Sunday, November 30, 2008


Jason and I enjoyed our last Thanksgiving as a family of two. On Thursday, we put up our Christmas tree and made a mini-Thanksgiving dinner. We have been known to overdo it in the past and tried to keep it simple this year. On Friday we got up and did a little shopping and then headed out to our favorite bed and breakfast place at the coast ... Sand Lake Country Inn. Being that I am 38 weeks pregnant now, we were a little worried that Alia Catherine would decide to come while we were almost 2 hours away from the hospital. We took our hospital bags and car seat with us everywhere we went just in case. Friday night we had dinner at the local brew pub, The Pelican and then went back relaxed and played some Scattegories. On Saturday, we had an amazing breakfast and then went into Lincoln City for shopping, dinner and the movie Four Christmases. Sunday we got up, had breakfast, checked out and then went to the beach for a walk to enjoy a beautiful day. It was a wonderful weekend!

38 weeks
A gorgeous day on the beach.

Our last holiday as a family of two!

Thanksgiving dinner

Sunday, November 9, 2008

35 weeks

At my 34 week appointment, my belly was measuring a little small, so the doctor sent me in to have an ultrasound to measure Alia to make sure that she was growing as she should. Everything was normal and Alia was measuring right on track! Here is one of the pictures from the ultrasound. You can tell that things are getting pretty squishy in there. In this picture she is looking right at you. The little bubbly-looking things by her cheek is actually the umbilical cord.

Jason and I are feeling pretty ready for Alia's arrival now. We have all of the important things that we need and her bedroom is ready and waiting for her. We have only 5 weeks left (although I think she might come a little early). Time has gone by so fast, but I think these last 5 weeks are going to be the longest of the entire pregnancy. Alia has taken to doing karate practice whenever mommy tries to sleep!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Baby Shower

This weekend three of my amazing friends (Tracy, LeighAnn and Jamie) threw a baby shower for me. We had so much fun! It was great to have some quality girl time. Alia was completely spoiled. Look at the super cute shirts that Tracy made for her. I am so lucky to have such amazing and caring friends!!!!

Tracy and I with the super cute shirts she made.

LeighAnn, Jamie and I

The dance girls ... Tracy, Donna, Desiree, Me, Marlene, Betsy

Simone, Me, Jan & Donna

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Jason and I had a relatively low key Halloween this year. On the 30th we carved our pumpkins .... without stencils this year and it was certainly interesting! On Halloween night Jason made dinner, we handed out candy and then turned out our light at 7:30 when the Blazer game started. It was an awesome game and they won at the very last second! On November 1st we went to a Halloween party where the theme was "good vs. evil". We tossed around a few ideas but nothing really grabbed us. In the end, we decided to go as a Blazer fan (good) and a Laker fan (evil). It was great because we got to be totally comfortable for the night.

The Zoo

One of our "date nights" was a Sunday morning at the Oregon Zoo. We decided to get a zoo membership so that once Alia arrives I can take her to the zoo whenever I want, for however long I want. It is a great way to get outside and exercise and enjoy a beautiful day (when we have them). We thought it might also be nice for when we have visitors in town. The newest attraction at the zoo is a baby elephant that was born in August. He is super cute!