Alia had her 2 month check up on Friday. It is hard to believe that she is already two months old. Time really is flying by! Alia's pediatrician gave us a good report and said that Alia looks healthy and happy. We were very excited and curious to get her newest measurements ...
11 pounds, 14.5 ounces (80 percentile)
24 inches long (96 percentile)
What a big girl!!
The most traumatizing part of the visit for all three of us was when Alia had to get her shots. She had to get a total of three shots and she was NOT happy about it. Her big, giant tears nearly broke our hearts. There was lots of cuddling for the next 24 hours! I think it might have been harder on Mommy and Daddy that it was on Alia :-)
The newest, adorable thing that Alia is doing right now is "talking". She has found out that she has a voice and is telling us wonderful stories all the time now. Her little coos and babbles just melt us ... especially when it is combined with her big toothless grin!
Daddy and Alia