Friday, August 31, 2012

TN trip 2012

We just returned from a great visit with "Papaw and Mimi" at the lake in TN. The kids had a blast (especially Alia) and the grown ups relaxed. We played on the beach, swam in the lake, played on the dock and went for boat rides and seadoo rides. It was great!

(video to follow soon)

Max and Alia playing on Snyder Beach :-)

You have to wear your life jacket or puddle jumper on the dock ... which can make for a complicated snack time!

We don't know why, but kids really enjoy playing with the hose and a couple of cups on the dock. Kept them busy for quite a while!

Alia and Papaw doing a little swimming - Alia was quite the fish! We started out with two floatation devices on the first day and before we knew it she was swimming around completely on her own with just the assistance of her "puddle jumper"

It's a long story ... but this is a pretty big deal! Alia enjoyed and even requested boat rides!

Look who likes to pose for the camera!

Captain in training!

Hands up when we go over waves!

Max enjoyed climbing all over Daddy in the water!

The mermaid

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sick Days

It's been one heck of a week around here. Alia is battling a really really nasty cough that just won't go away. She's had a little fever that has come and gone, but the cough is the real battle. It's keeping her up at night and generally making her miserable. Max developed a fever last night but hasn't had any other symptom yet. So, we have spent our entire week in the house ... not my idea of a good time. No one has gotten much sleep and we are all ready for whatever this little bug is, to go away! Here are a few pics of kids so cute they are even adorable when they feel miserable!

cuddling my buddy after nap time

Max (and his cars) and Alia watching Dora

We've been doing a lot of coloring, drawing and painting this week. Here is Alia's self portrait :-)

This one cracks me up ... Alia was playing blocks and she just kept sinking lower and lower until she was just laying on the ground, but still trying to build her zoo.

Max and Lovey watching some Olympic kayaking

During a brief rally, we went outside and played play dough