Saturday, June 8, 2013

Max's Room

The next most complete room in our new house is probably Max's room. We decided to keep it pretty neutral and simple for now because he still has all of his "baby" stuff but we aren't quite ready for "big boy" yet so we settled on something in between for now.

Still on the to-do list for his room - replace light/lamp shade, replace light switch, replace outlets. Nothing urgent, but on the list nonetheless.





AFTER - I purchased these Cars stickers from Target for pretty cheap. The kids and I had a great time putting them up one day. However since then, they've been moved about 100 times. They are having a blast, so whatever :-)

AFTER - on left door to closet, on right bedroom door

AFTER - Found this at Home Depot and couldn't refuse

AFTER - These shelves were in the house when we got here, so we just took them down to paint and put them right back up again

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