Monday, February 17, 2014

Snowmaggedon 2014

As many of you know, we don't get snow often around here. The last time there was a good snow was when Alia was born in December of 2008. The city is ill-equipped to deal with it and it generally shuts the entire city down. On Thursday, February 6 (while Max's class was on his field trip) the snow started to really come down, hard and fast. By 11:30 most local school districts had made the decision to close early and try to get kids home before the roads got awful. Pretty much the entire city left wherever they were and tried to get home. Jason was no different and ended up in his car for nearly 3 hours trying to get the 6-ish miles or so back home. Craziness!

There was no school, gyms were closed so I didn't have to teach, everything was at a stand still for the whole weekend. Schools were closed Friday & Monday and we spent a lot of time hanging out at home. We did get outside to play a little bit, but we don't own any snow gear so the adventures outside were fairly short. 

Thursday - noon

Thursday - evening

Playing outside in the snow on Friday

We tried to make a snowman but the snow was very light and powdery and didn't pack well :-(

using garden tools to play in the snow

our little "Olaf" the snowman

When you are cooped up in the house for a few days, things start to get interesting ...

Mommy teaches everyone how to use the dust buster and the Swiffer ...

And this guys sense of humor gets even more silly!

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