Saturday, June 20, 2015

Dress Rehearsal

Alia was in both ballet and jazz this year, so had two dances to perform at her recital. She and Jason also signed up to do a Daddy/Daughter dance as well, taking her grand total to THREE dances in one show with costume changes and the whole bit. I will post the dress rehearsal video of ballet and jazz but the dance teachers kept the daddy/daughter dance top secret until the show so you'll have to wait until I get an official video to see that one (adorable beyond words by the way).

Ballet was a little rough in rehearsal because Alia got a little confused about where her spot was. She had it all figured out by jazz and both dances we her best ever performances in the real show! 

Ballet - Alia starts in the back row to your right of center.

Jazz - Alia starts in the front row, second from the left. 

Kindergarten Performance/ Reader's Theater

On the second to last day of school, Alia's class had a kindergarten open house. They sang some songs for us, got special kindergarten graduate certificates and performed a reader's theater skit in small groups. Alia was the narrator in her group and did an amazing job. Her teacher gave the narrator job to responsible students with good reading skills and even had them help members of their group read/learn their lines as well. I can't believe my little girl is officially a first grader and will be going to school all day long next year. Max and I are going to miss her so much!

Field Day

Alia had her first ever field day this year on Wednesday, June 10. She was a little nervous about it because she just didn't know what to expect. It was also an unusual day because all the kindergartners went to school in the morning - even the PM class. I've seen a few field days in my time and this one was very well organized and lots of fun. The kids were busy and active the entire time. Alia can't wait to do it again next year. 

Little brother was a really good sport and tagged along with Mommy to watch and take pictures.

Alia's teacher made the class matching tee shirts. The afternoon class was green and the morning class was blue. It made it really easy to keep an eye on everyone out in the field. 

The kindergartners had fifth grade buddies that took them to each station and helped them with the games. They were outstanding with the kids. I was very impressed!

Tug-of-war was pretty hysterical.

All of Mrs. Caplan's kindergartners - morning and afternoon classes!

Preschool Performance May 2015

Little man completed his 4s preschool class in May. Due to the fact that his birthday is 16 days after the deadline he'll be doing Pre-K next year (not Kindergarten, even though he is pretty darn ready!). After much debate it looks like we'll be keeping him right here in our neighborhood and he'll be attending the same Pre-K with the same teachers that Alia had. As always, the kids end the year by performing a few of the songs that they've been singing in class all year. It is always solid entertainment!

Mommy and Max on his last day of 4s preschool!
One of the perks of being in afternoon kindergarten is that Alia got to join Max for his end of the year picnic and celebration.

We were so lucky to have these three amazing ladies as Max's teachers this year.

Presents from his teachers - A memory book and a CD with all the songs on it that he sang in school.

Max and his very favorite teacher, Mrs. Franklin. Those two just got each other from day one! He is really going to miss her next year. 

A Terrific Tee Ball Season

The Douglas family was introduced to, and fell in love with, tee ball this year. The dad of one of Max's preschool buddies was coaching a team with his two sons on it and told us about it or we would have never known. Max was officially the youngest on his team. He had teammates that were from preschool and some that were in Kindergarten at Alia's school. He fell in love with it right away and wasn't scared or intimidated. He was so excited, he wanted to wear his baseball helmet to school!  Every day he asked "Is it tee ball day?"

We were so proud of him! He started from square one and made SO MUCH progress throughout the season. He loved going into the backyard and practicing on his own too!

Getting ready for his first game

Warming up with his team

Being silly on the bench with his buddy

Team cheer at the end of the game

Perhaps the cutest tee ball picture ever!

Jason was one of the assistant coaches and pitched most games. The coaches would pitch a handful of times first and then if the kid didn't hit it they would tee it up.

Here are a few video clips from the first and last games of the season. (Note: The last hitter is the "home run hitter" and runs the bases. There are no outs in tee ball either.)