Little man completed his 4s preschool class in May. Due to the fact that his birthday is 16 days after the deadline he'll be doing Pre-K next year (not Kindergarten, even though he is pretty darn ready!). After much debate it looks like we'll be keeping him right here in our neighborhood and he'll be attending the same Pre-K with the same teachers that Alia had. As always, the kids end the year by performing a few of the songs that they've been singing in class all year. It is always solid entertainment!
Mommy and Max on his last day of 4s preschool!
One of the perks of being in afternoon kindergarten is that Alia got to join Max for his end of the year picnic and celebration.
We were so lucky to have these three amazing ladies as Max's teachers this year.
Presents from his teachers - A memory book and a CD with all the songs on it that he sang in school.
Max and his very favorite teacher, Mrs. Franklin. Those two just got each other from day one! He is really going to miss her next year.
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