Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Family Resemblance?

Can anyone name this family member? 
Anyone else think this looks just like Alia or is it just me?

(Sorry this picture quality isn't great. I took a picture of the picture with my phone.)

Alia's First Date ....

On Sunday night Jason, Max, Alia and I met up with Carson and Miss Jamie at the Trailblazers Fan Fest. It's a free event for the fans where they introduce the players and have a scrimmage. It was Alia's first experience with anything like that. She was thrilled to have her best buddy Carson there with her. She had a hot dog and her first taste of cotton candy. They were so cute! They were clapping and cheering and everything! My friend John is a camera man at the Rose Garden and so I texted him where we were sitting so that he could get the kids on the big screen. What we learned from this experience is that Alia is ready for the real deal and Max ... IS NOT! He was a complete squirrel and had to go walk laps around the concourse with Jason a few times!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Max's 2 Year Check-Up

Max had his 2 year check up last week with his pediatrician, Dr. DeVoe. He is a very healthy and happy (and active 2 year old). His stats were ... 31.3 pounds (91%), 37 inches (97%) and and head circumference in the 92%. The doctor said that according to those stats they would predict his height to be 6'2" or taller. How funny would that be?

Max is developing right on track and is actually VERY verbal now. He does have a cute little lisp type of thing, that Alia never had, but it sure is cute! The only "concern" we have at this point is that he is STILL drooling EXCESSIVELY. No, its not teething! He drools through at least 2-3 shirts a day and his drool actually stains his shirts. It's super bizarre. We've been watching the issue and talking about it with the doctor for almost 6 months now and we've decided its time to examine the situation a little more closely. So, we are starting with an ENT appointment on November 2. I'll keep you posted.

Max had to get 3 shots at his appointment and Alia got her flu shot while we were there too. Neither child was thrilled with the process, so we went to Panera for giant cookies afterwards ... that helped!
On another note, we had parent/teacher conferences today at the kids' school (yep, seriously). Both kids are doing really well. Max is the youngest one in his class, but is adjusting well. He loves playing cards and trucks and going out to the garden. The teacher said that he listens well and is starting to get more and more comfortable. Alia's teacher had great things to say too. She is great at sharing, and joining in on activities when there are already kids at a table. She loves to show off what she knows (apparently she is the loudest during the Pledge) and is great at paying attention during circle time. I'm such a proud mommy!

One last important update ... Max had his first ever pee pee in the potty last night! We haven't really begun potty training yet, but we always give him a choice of sitting on the potty before bath time. Sometimes he's interested and sometimes he's not. Yesterday, he was in a naked mood! We couldn't keep clothes on him. So, I finally gave him the choice of undies or diaper and he choose undies. He had them on for almost 2 hours and kept them dry and then went potty before bed. We are hoping that this is the beginning of the end of diapers around here :-)

Max shoving his cars under his bed (aka parking garage)

Trying to do big kid art projects just like Alia

Apparently this is how Max eats turkey deli meat

Giant cookie from Panera erased all pain from his 2 year shots

This is what happens at 4:30 on the way home from the grocery store when Max doesn't nap during the day.