Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Day at the Beach

Today we had a VERY rare day where we had nothing on our agenda. There were no dance classes, camps, gymnastics, appointments or classes for Mommy to teach so we picked up Grammy, had breakfast at Panera and headed to the coast. It was one of the most beautiful days I've experienced there. We played on the beach, had lunch and ate ice cream!

4th of July Bash!

We had an amazing Fourth of July once again this year! We gathered the crew and threw what has no become our annual bash. The festivities begin early in our neighborhood with a fun run and a pancake breakfast at the rec center. At noon there is a children's bike parade (our kids just wanted to watch this year) followed by an actual parade (small, but perfect!). After the parade, we went into party prep mode and the gang gathered at our house in the late afternoon. We partied until 10pm when the fireworks began.

The kids dressed and ready for the 4th of July fun to begin!

Hanging out, having lunch, waiting for the parade to begin

My little buddy and I watching the parade

All 7 little boys were playing in the sprinkler together and having a blast!

Alia watched the crazy boys from a distance ...

then played in the water table.

The big boys enjoyed some games (and beers) too.

No party is complete without cupcakes!

Of course we gave the kids snaps and sparklers and let some of the "big boys" light some fireworks. 

Little man was such a trooper the whole day. He had just been diagnosed with pneumonia the day before and finally crashed when we sat down to watch the big fireworks show. Jason ended up carrying him to bed and he slept all night long in his clothes. Poor little dude!