Saturday, November 9, 2013

Christmas List

Here is Alia's list for Santa ... written almost entirely by herself! I am so proud. 
I'll decode it for you below. Some are a little tricky! 

This is for SANTA ... so don't run out and start shopping :-)

1. Scooter
2. Doc area (Doc McStuffins check up center)
3. Lambie (from Doc)
4. Stuffie (from Doc)
5. Minnie with Pom Poms
6. Vanity (there was a cute little one in the Toys R Us catalog)
7. Robe
8. Ariel light up doll
9. Mermaids
10. Guitar

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Halloween

We had an absolutely wonderful Halloween this year! 
Here are some pictures to of just SOME of the fun we had.

The kiddos helped Mommy and Daddy carve pumpkins. They were very thick, tricky pumpkins to carve so the grown-ups had to do most of the work.

The big girls made Rice Krispie treat pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns during Max's nap time earlier that week. Making and decorating them is just as fun as eating them!

Halloween breakfast - pumpkin shaped pancakes and oranges :-)

On Halloween, Mommy got to spend some time in Alia's pre-k classroom. I was in charge of the "game/activity" center. We played a witch hat ring toss game (seen on the floor in this picture), pin the nose on the jack-lantern and a Halloween freeze dance. The kids were fabulous and we all had a lot of fun.

We had pretty darn good weather on Halloween night. Daddy took a few minutes to rake the leaves onto the curb before we started off to trick or treat and the kids had a great time running and jumping in them.

Alia was a beautiful, purple butterfly.

Silly dance

Max was a brave fire fighter.

Here are our carved pumpkins along with some that we painted.

We did a lot of art projects leading up to Halloween. We hung many of them in the front window and used them as decorations.

Our only bummer of the whole day was that on the way home from trick or treating, an excited little girl walking in the dark tripped and bonked her head. After hugs, kisses, an ice pack and a few treats she felt much better.