Friday, June 12, 2009


Alia is almost 6 months old now. It is SO hard to believe! Time is really flying by. Just in the last few days, we have started to see much more personality. She is developing her own little opinion. She has favorite toys and books and if you don't get out the right one, she'll let you know about it. She is a big fan of the books Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Barnyard Dance, The Very Busy Spider and Moo Baa La La La. Her favorite toys are her rattles and her rings. She loves to put them in her mouth and shake them and hear the noises they make.

Alia is still working on perfecting the roll. She can easily get from her back to her side and even sleeps on her left side now. She can get from her back to her belly, but sometimes an arm gets stuck under her and it really frustrates her. Not a lot of progress with rolling from tummy to back though. Just a lot of whining about being on her belly in the first place! Another milestone that we are approaching is sitting up independently. She is getting very close. Mommy and Daddy can let go for a few seconds now before she tips over!

We still aren't finding a whole lot of success with the whole eating solid foods thing. Now, Alia just doesn't open her mouth at all. She figured that out pretty quickly. She is, however, very fascinated with the sippy cup. She likes to try holding it and sucking out of it. Although when she does get a little bit of water it surprises her and she spits it out. Goofy kid!

1 comment:

Carl and Leigh Ann said...

How adorable! She's getting so big! Don't worry. Sophia didn't like the whole rice cereal thing for a while either. Now she eats just about anything! I'm excited to finally be a part of some play dates this summer so I can see you and Alia. :)