Thursday, August 6, 2009


Alia's newest trick is feeding herself. She still isn't 100% accurate, but she can definitely tell the difference between bread and cheese and everything else. Here is a video clip of Alia picking through the peaches and carrots on her tray and just eating the bread. Silly little bean! I would like to add that she will eat just about anything you put in her mouth, but will only feed herself bread and cheese. I don't want you all to think that I don't give her fruits and veggies. I do, but she makes me work for it :-)

After Alia ate dinner last night I was looking for a way to keep her happy and occupied as I made dinner for Jason and I (yes, I made dinner, don't laugh). So, I handed her a spoon and some Tupperware and Alia enjoyed a delicious imaginative meal! It was so cute!

In other news, I took Alia in for a weight check on Tuesday. She is a VERY healthy little girl.

28 inches long - 91%

18 pounds, 3.5 ounces - 67%

1 comment:

ShawnHarbert said...

She is getting so big