Monday, September 14, 2009

Alia & Her Boyfriends

One of Alia's very good friends is Carson. He is 5.5 months older than her. She has been going over to play at his house almost every week since she was born. Now Carson's mommy is going to watch Alia on days that I sub. We did a trial run for a few hours last Wednesday while I was at a dentist appointment. Alia did such a great job. She ate her breakfast, napped and didn't cry at all when I left. She had a ton of fun playing with Carson. Check out the ridiculously cute picture of Carson giving her a kiss!

On Labor Day, Alia's friend Nick came over. Alia was so excited to see him! She was giggling and clapping like crazy! Nick is 10 weeks younger than Alia. They mostly stared at each other and Alia tried to touch his face a lot. It was pretty darn cute!

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