Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Breaking" News

Alia's very first tooth poked through today. We had a feeling while we were in Vegas that she might be teething, but with the exception of a couple of extra night wakings and a little more chewing than normal, it was pretty uneventful. Today we felt a little tiny bump break through. We are kind of waiting to see if it gets more uncomfortable, but so far we haven't had to give her Tylenol or anything.

In other news, Alia has become quite the proficient crawler and is even starting to pull herself up. She is currently going through a stage where she is absolutely in love with stuffed animals. It's hysterical to watch her hug and kiss them! She is saying "mom mom" and "dada" with relative accuracy and certainly understands what we are saying when we say "we're going out". She absolutely freaks out with excitement when we go out.

1 comment:

Martha Davidson said...

That's so exciting! I'm home from school right now, and have found some extra time on my hands so I have started volunteering at Merlo Station High school playing with the babies there. and I'm not good with babies yet. haha good thing they are not mine. It reminded me because a couple are teething, and I haven't figured out how to calm them. haha Well Alia is beautiful. I love seeing mommy Kim. :)