Monday, January 4, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

The life of a one year old is very busy. Here are some pictures of what Alia has been up to lately.

Helping Daddy get some work done over the weekend

Going for a cruise in her new car

Helping Daddy sort through the mail

Taking the baby for a walk

And this is a picture from out our front window of a random snowfall that we had last Tuesday. Alia and I went to Gymboree and saw about 2 snowflakes fall on our way home. I put her down for a nap, read one chapter in my book and then looked out the window and saw this! Crazy! Unfortunately, it was all melted and gone in about a day.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Wow...beautiful snow!

Alia is so adorable and I love how "busy" she has been. ;) Oh the life of a 1 year old...can I be that busy again??? LOL

Thanks for sharing all of your special family moments with us. I enjoy reading them!