Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Day of School

Today was Alia's first day of "school". We decided to enroll her in a preschool/daycare program to help her get a little more practice in social settings. She has a bit of social anxiety and we're hoping that school, and being around other kids her age more, helps her out a bit. We visited her school twice (while it was in session) before today to try to prep Alia as much as possible. I was expecting the absolute worst when I dropped her off this morning and I was very pleasantly surprised... NO tears. I was amazed, and proud! When I picked her up, her teacher told me that she did have some morning tears and during transitions, but overall she had a fun day. When I arrived at pick-up time I could see her before she saw me and I watched her play with a big smile on her face for a minute before she noticed me. Keep your fingers crossed that things go this well on Thursday!

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