Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Max - 8 Months

Max is 8 months old today! It is so hard to believe! I don't have any new height/weight stats this month, but will next month when he has his 9 month well child check with his doctor.

Max is learning to crawl. He can now crawl with his belly off of the ground and up on all fours, but is much faster army style. So, if he gets desperate he drops to his belly so he can get wherever he is going faster. He enjoys trying to eat shoes, magazines and anything else that Mommy, Daddy or big sister leave at his eye level.

He is enjoying finger foods more and more. He LOVES bread, cheese and banana. He tolerated me giving him scrambled egg yolk, peas and strawberry. He now has two little teeth on the bottom and drools like its his job! He is finally down to 2 naps and is taking an almost normal length nap in the afternoon. I am absolutely loving this because now he and Alia nap at the same time ... woo hoo!

Max's incision/scar is healing well. He has a follow up appointment with the neurosurgeon this summer. It is a possibility that they will do another MRI just to check things out, but I'm really hoping that it isn't necessary. Going through the sedation part of the MRI is possibly worse than going through surgery.

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