Friday, July 22, 2011

Max - 10 Months Old

This blog post is just a few days late, but our little guy is now 10 months old. It is so hard to believe that I am starting to plan his birthday party! Crazy! What a year it has been too!

Max is up to all sorts of great tricks. One of his newest and most favorite activities is climbing! He loves to climb on top of the little picnic table that we have, he loves to climb up on Alia's little step stool in the bathroom and he'll pretty much make an attempt to climb just about anything. He goes for it, head first with all the determination he can find. He is also getting very good at cruising around. He loves to push the little shopping cart and the little baby doll strollers around. I fear for my life when he starts walking! I fear for poor Alia when he can keep up with her. Oh my!

In breaking news, Max has now slept all the way through the night (7:15pm - 5:45am) two nights in a row. I'm really hoping that this trend continues! This family could really use to catch up on its beauty sleep :-)

Some of Max's current favorite foods are waffles, blueberries sweet potato fries and macaroni and cheese! He is not a fan of anything green and he really could do without yogurt in his life but he'll choke it down if he's hungry enough.

Max has started "giving kisses" this week and its about the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life! No real words are coming out yet, but that doesn't stop him from talking non-stop. He has a lot to say, he just hasn't figured out how to say it yet!

(On a little side note, you can tell from the photos that follow, that getting him to sit still in the chair while I take his picture is getting to be extremely difficult.)

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