Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sick Day(s)

It was a pretty long week around here. Last week Alia had a yucky cough, but seemed to feel fine otherwise. On Saturday, the luck ran out and she started running a fever. On Sunday, we took her to urgent care and they said everything was fine. She still had the fever Monday, so Tuesday we took her to the pediatrician. That was when we found out that she had bronchitis/walking pneumonia and an ear infection. So we started antibiotics. At 4:00am on Wednesday morning, Alia came in to our bedroom to report that her "eyelashes were stuck together". So, I made another doctor appointment for 4:10pm suspecting that it was pink eye. While waiting in the doctor's office that afternoon, I noticed that Max had one goopy looking eye as well. So, we got a big ol' prescription for eye drops. By that evening, I started feeling yucky. I went to the doctor on Thursday evening and he said that I don't have an ear infection, but since we are flying to FL on Tuesday and my ear is still really painful, I have a feeling I'll be going somewhere and seeing someone before then for a second opinion. Fun, huh?

It was a little tricky entertaining the kids inside all week. The good news is that the weather was horrible, so going out didn't even look appealing. Painting was a big hit for a couple of days!

Max checking out big sister's work

very focused

experimenting with some new approaches

Alia pointing to the picture of an airplane that she painted

Max holding up his "fish" that he painted. He was so proud! It was absolutely precious.

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