Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Move (and stuff)

To say that we have been busy the last month or so would be a grand understatement. However, we are finally "settled" in the new house. We close on the old house on Friday and are looking forward to only managing one residence. We are also looking forward to putting a freeze on all house related projects for a bit and just enjoying the summer in our new neighborhood. The kids are signed up for some summer camps, we are hoping to get in some swim lessons (registration is this Saturday) and we've already purchased our plane tickets to my dad's house for a week of relaxing on the lake this summer. We are hoping to do lots of playing outside at our new playground, swimming in our community pool, play-dates with friends, trips to the farmer's market, zoo, etc! 

Here are some random photos from the last few weeks ...

In the midst of all this insanity, I turned 35. Ugh! I got a brand new giant gym bag just like I asked and some other special little surprises that the kids picked out for me. 

A view of the pre-move insanity

Alia and Max were both very in to helping load and unload the u-haul. We used it to move as much as we could (without throwing out our backs) on Friday, then had movers come on Saturday to do all the heavy stuff. So worth it!!

First play-date at the new house ... with Carson and Landon of course. We had a picnic lunch on the back porch then walked to the playground and played for a bit.

Best Friends!

(PS. We've had some fabulous weather here and I have some great pics and video of Alia on a slip 'n slide in the backyard. I'll get around to posting it soon.)

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