Friday, May 16, 2014

Just Keep Swimming!

We have taken quite a break from swim lessons. We had so many other things going on that something just had to fall off of the calendar. However, we are back at it now! The kids are taking lessons this month through our parks and rec department and will take lessons next month at the pool in our neighborhood. As is typical with my kids, the are complete opposites in the water. Max is fearless and is making some really good progress. They are currently both in the same level, but he'll be passing Alia up before long (which she is currently fine with). Alia loves being in the water and swimming with her Puddles Jumper on, but just doesn't have the confidence to do it on her own yet. Max has all the confidence in the world and now we just need to work on some of the coordination. Here is some video of Max from swim class yesterday ...

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