Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm Trying!

Here is a little video clip that we took of Alia one day last week. She still isn't showing any interest in rolling over or side to side movement of any kind, but sure would like to have the strength and coordination to go forward. She does this really funny thing with her arms and legs like she's trying to crawl, but it looks more like swimming. That's what we were attempting to catch on film here. She's been hanging out with some older friends (9 months - 1 year) and it really seems to interest her the way they move around. I think we still have a little while before we need to worry about a crawling baby though!

Alia is doing well and growing like crazy ... not a big fan of sleeping though. There have been some interesting days and nights around here lately. I think Miss Alia is learning how to manipulate good ol' mom and dad. Yikes!


NW Harbert's said...

She is so cute. This summer we should get together. I know that Cadie would love to meet Alia

NW Harbert's said...

She is adorable. We should get together this summer, I know Cadie would love to meet Alia.