Monday, July 20, 2009

7 Months Old Now!

It is so hard to believe that Alia is 7 months old now. She has changed so much just since our trip home last month. She loves to sit up to play and is REALLY getting the hang of eating solid foods. She loves bread and bananas ... the real stuff, not purees, but seems to eat just about anything you put in her mouth. The only thing she doesn't want any part of is formula. Total bummer! Here are a few recent pictures of Alia.

This is her scrunchy face that she makes when she is displeased. It doesn't always lead to crying, but she does try to make it look as dramatic as possible so that you know she isn't happy with something.

Out for our morning walk. We have been trying to get out each day after breakfast.

Daddy showing off Alia's excellent morning hair style! Priceless!

Alia's first time on the swing at the park. She loved it!


Martha Davidson said...

Ohh man, her faces are adorable! I so want to meet her. If you ever need babysitting, I'm your girl. I get home at the end of this week, and start my nanny job soon, but I'm sure I can find time for Alia. :) Hope all is well, especially with try-outs I saw your videos and am super jealous. I wish I was still dancing! Tell Alia hi for me!

Bill and Angie Ryan said...

I love the pouty face! She is adorable! Love you guys!!

Carl and Leigh Ann said...

That scrunchy face is too darn cute! Sophia has that same crazy hairdo in the morning!