Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Food Please!

Alia loves finger foods! She will eat just about anything that you put in her mouth. Her absolute favorite is BREAD!! She can't get enough of it. She also likes bananas, strawberries, peas, cheerios and cheese. She went on a spoon strike for a couple of days, where she wouldn't eat anything on a spoon, but luckily we are past that now.

This is the face Alia makes (scrunchy face/sun-in-the-eyes face) when she wants bread or cheerios and you try to give her anything else. This adorable little face is usually accompanied with a grunty, whiny sound.

Alia is working on feeding herself. She has managed to get bread into her mouth a couple of times, but can't quite make it happen fast enough. We are practicing at every meal though!

1 comment:

Martha Davidson said...

Cute! My mom used to lie to me, and tell me that there was no more food. haha Because I was a little chunky baby.