Friday, June 25, 2010

18 Month Update

It's hard to believe, but its true. Alia is now 18 months old! We had her check-up with Dr. Nash today. Unfortunately for both Dr. Nash and his nurse, Alia seemed to remember right away what goes on at that place. She was displeased from the moment we stepped into the exam room. Alia is 2'11" tall (99%) and 27.5 pounds (87%). She is a healthy and happy little girl!

In case you haven't seen Alia in a while, allow me to fill you in on what's going on in her little world. She is continuing to talk up a storm. She is combining words now to make little sentences. She is turning into a toddler and having some very bossy and opinionated moments. She is learning that hitting and kicking are "not nice" and how to apologize when she forgets these things. When you ask her what is in mommy's belly, she replies "baby brother". She loves riding in the bike trailer and going for bike rides with Daddy! She still loves books and asks to read all the time. She knows the title (or her version of the title) of all of her favorite books, so now she can request certain ones. She loves singing songs and dancing and has just recently discovered Dora the Explorer! The "breaking" news around here right now is that Alia is finally getting her molars in, but unfortunately it appears as if they might be attempting to all break through at pretty much the same time. I can see the bottom two slowly making their way in, but can't get a look at the top. Alia is doing quite well with it, but isn't sleeping very well at night. It looks painful, so I can't imagine how it must feel. Poor little thing!

Here is a little video clip from this morning. I was trying to capture some of Alia's newest skills to show off. She can name lots of animals, most of her family members and knows most of the major shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, heart and star).

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