Sunday, August 15, 2010

Beach Weekend

This weekend, we made our last trip together as the family of 3. We went to Lincoln City for the weekend. It was a long drive on Friday evening, but we made it there eventually. It seemed like the entire state was headed in the same direction to try to avoid the heat. Alia was a little nervous about the hotel situation. It's been a while since we've been in one and as soon as we got there she said "bye bye hotel". She got over it pretty quickly but had a hard time sleeping that night. At one point she sang us quite the rendition of Old MacDonald Had a Farm. It was actually very cute and very impressive, despite being at 3:00am!!

On Saturday, we had the perfect day of family fun! We went swimming in the hotel pool, went shopping, had a good nap, went to the beach and then went out to dinner. We couldn't have made it any more perfect if we tried. Alia enjoyed the beach and the ocean tremendously, although she wasn't such a big fan of getting dirty or wet ... such a girl! She did eventually warm up to walking in the sand ... until a wave came and got her and got her pants all wet.

Alia and Daddy at the beach!

watching the crazy big kids play in the water ... it was insanely cold!
touching the sand

We finally talked her into posing with Mommy for a picture. If you can't tell she is saying "cheese" with some serious enthusiasm!

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