Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Max - 11 Months Old

Max is 11 months old today and I'm in the midst of planning his birthday party! His little personality emerges more each day! He's stubborn and loving and funny! Max current favorite past times are playing with blocks and trying to take things away from Alia that she's playing with. Max's newest trick is standing up all by himself in the middle of a room. He doesn't need to pull up on anything! He can even take 2-3 little steps before crashing! He gets very proud of himself each time he stands and makes sure to pause for applause.

He loves to give hugs and kisses and really grabs onto you. It's absolutely precious. He is understanding a lot of language but still not making any real words yet. He understands when you say things like "Give me a kiss/hug", "Ring the doorbell" (on the playhouse) "Show me your standing" and a whole lot more. He is one smart little cookie!

He is still a big fan of climbing and is constantly getting on top of things and crashing. He is recovering from two matching bruises on his head from recent crashes. He loves climbing the stairs on the way up to nap time. It's a pretty big deal and he can pretty much get to the top faster than Alia ... seriously!

Max's excellent sleep has continued and this family couldn't be happier. Today I was even blessed with a great nap time where both children slept for 2.5 hours at the same time ... HEAVEN! Max now has 3 teeth after tooth #3 gave him some serious trouble for several weeks. We were all relieved when it made an appearance!

My smiley, silly little guy

If you can resist that cuteness, you are a stronger person than I am :-)

I love this picture. It looks like he's trying to direct me behind the camera ...

Max loves being upside down. He's even done a few somersaults on accident.

Big boy! Standing up all by himself!

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