Wednesday, November 16, 2011

San Diego

Let me begin by assuring you that I have lots of pictures of our trip and there will be SEVERAL blog posts :-) We had a great time on our vacation! The kids did very well on the plane rides - even with a 3 hour delay on the way home. For the most part, the hotel room sharing thing went well, although there was not nearly as much sleeping as usual. Overall, we think that San Diego should be a regular vacation destination for us. We had so much fun and there was so much left undone!

On our first full day in San Diego the kids woke up and were ready to go long before anything opened up, so we went to Balboa Park to walk around, take it in and enjoy the beautiful weather before heading to Sea World for the day.

After breakfast each morning, we would go back to the room and Jason would help the kids say hello to San Diego out the window :-)

In the kids part of the room, there were bunk beds. Alia slept on the bottom bunk and Max slept in a pack n play, but Alia really enjoyed climbing up on top and hanging out.

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