Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sea World - Day 1

Our first full day in San Diego was spent at Sea World. We saw a couple of shows, lots of animals and discovered a great little play area there. We borrowed a stroller and a backpack carrier from Karen, Eric and Katya. It was so wonderful! We had Max in the backpack for most of the morning and then put him in the stroller so that he could take a nap. Alia was able to ride in the stroller when she got tired of walking or when we had a long way to go. It was great!

We saw one of the killer whale shows right before lunch. Alia was interested but I think was overwhelmed by the big "stadium", all the people, lights, music, giant tvs etc. Max was more interested in trying to climb the stairs, get on top of the benches and chasing the pigeons! However, it was very cool!

We were all absolutely starving by lunch time. We inhaled a ridiculous amount of food!

Alia enjoyed the sea turtles. "Hello turtles! How ya doing in there?"

The "Sesame Street Bay of Play" was a big hit with both kids. Lots of neat things to run around, bounce on and little kids rides.

Max passed out in the stroller after lunch. I walked him around to keep him asleep while Jason and Alia went to see a dolphin show.

Alia LOVED playing in the little bouncy area!

A fun, big girl treat while Max was napping!

After naps and snacks Max was happy to get out of the stroller and run around a bit. He was a complete wild man on the loose ... he laughed and ran and fell over then got up and did it again!

More bouncy fun!

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