Sunday, November 25, 2012


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. Our tradition is that we wear our Christmas pjs to bed the night before, have special breakfast (Pillsbury cinnamon rolls) and then put up our Christmas tree and decorations. My mom joined us for Thanksgiving again this year (broken foot and all) and we spent the entire day at home ... except for that tiny little bit of time we spent at the gym doing our pre-turkey workout :-) 

Santa and her little elf waiting so patiently for special breakfast

Alia was thrilled to be reunited with Snoopy, one of her favorite Christmas decorations.

We did lots of turkey/Thanksgiving themed projects this month. Here is one that Alia did at Miss Jamie's house during one of her big kid play dates.

Hand print turkeys by Alia done at the gym childcare on Thanksgiving morning

Beautiful fall trees with leaves blowing in the breeze. Alia's is on the left and Max's is on the right. Made at home with Mommy

Harvest feast at school with Max's class. His class feast was on a day that the kids don't normally have school. We went in to join them and Alia lucked out and got to join us too!

My favorite Thanksgiving project this year was our "Thankfulness Tree" that we made at home. The orange hands are Max's and all the other colors are Alia's :-)

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