Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1st Day of School

We've had a big couple of days here. Monday was Alia's first day of Pre-K. She made a new friend over the weekend that was going to be in her class (see below for more info on this). They played together both Saturday and Sunday and arrived at the exact time we did on Monday morning. Day one was just a little over an hour. The teacher's planned some great activities around the Eric Carle book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?". There were no tears on the way in and she was happy and excited to tell me all about school on the way home. 

My gorgeous big girl :-)

We are encouraging her new found love of the cartoon Doc McStuffins. 

She went in and started playing right away.

Tuesday was Max's first day of 3's preschool. Just like Alia's first day, it was a shortened version and Mommy even got to stay and play! Alia had her first "full" day from 8:45-11:45am. Max did a great job and Alia had another fun day and was all smiles at pick up!

Oh my goodness ... what am I going to do with this little guy?

Have no fear! Max has located the cars in his classroom. The best news is that one of his teachers is really great at building tracks and roads. I think she's going to be Max's favorite!

So in addition to all of this NEW stuff, there is more. I had a former teaching friend of mine make a desperate plea on facebook for help/advice because her child care fell through on the first week of school. She has two girls, one Alia's age and one fifth grader. She is a principal and her husband is a substitute teacher. So to make a long story very short, I am going to have a 3rd kid on random early mornings and after pre-k this year. She lives in our neighborhood (walking distance away) and the girls are in the same pre-k class and will go to the same elementary school. The met and hung out and seemed to get along great this weekend. 

So, tomorrow Alia has school and Max and his buddy Landon are going to have a little brothers play date. Thursday will be our first day with two kids on normal preschool schedules and mommy teaching. Are you exhausted just reading all this? I am!

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