Friday, April 22, 2011

Playing Outside

Today was the first day nice enough to put the blanket out on the front lawn and go outside to play. Max enjoyed watching Alia ride her "worm" and her tricycle while chomping on some baby toys. Both kids really enjoyed bubbles! Alia chased after them and Max watched them blow in the wind while giggling! It made me so excited for summer! I absolutely can not wait until we can spend more time outside and even bust out the kiddie pool and water table again!

Alia was very excited about her new Dora gardening tools from Nana!

Max loved being outside. He sat on the blanket happily for about 45 minutes watching bubbles, his sister and the neighbors.

Alia riding her inchworm on the sidewalk.

Santa brought Alia a tricycle for Christmas this year and we are just now able to get it out and really work on riding it. She has the pedals pretty much figured out, but we are going to have to work on steering!

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