Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seven Months Old

This post is just a little out of order ... oops! Anyway, Max is now 7 months old. He had a weight check appointment last week and was 18 pounds, 3.5 ounces. So, he's gained a little over a pound in a month. He is still NOT sleeping through the night! He wakes up twice a night most nights to eat, but does give us the occasional one wake night just to get our hopes up. He loves his baby food, especially carrots, sweet potatoes and fruits. He is working on finger foods, but so far he isn't a big fan of the texture.

Max is trying to crawl, but hasn't quite gotten it all figured out yet, but it won't be long. He can certainly get from place to place and if I take my eyes off of him for too long, he's in the middle of clean, folded laundry putting it on top of his face!

One of the cutest little developments lately, is his genuine love for his sister. He absolutely lights up when we go to get her out of bed in the morning or after nap and stares at her adoringly when she gets in the car after school. It is too precious for words!

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