Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Big Moments for the Grown-up Douglas's

Yes, I realize I am WAY behind on my blogging, but to say that we have been busy would be a huge understatement. 2013 has been a big year for us and November kept with the theme ...

On Veteran's Day I ran a 5k with Vets 4 Vets. 

If you don't already know about this organization that I am involved with, check it out 

It was a really big deal, because running is not my thing and I even managed to get a pretty decent time. I'm considering investing in actual running shoes so that I am ready, willing and able to do similar runs in the future. 

November 15, 2013 marked the 10 year anniversary of our first day. That weekend, we splurged, got a babysitter and headed downtown overnight. It was awesome!

November 2013 also marked the end of an era. We traded in Jason's truck that he'd had for 12 years and got a minivan! We miss the truck, but we love the van.

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