Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Here are some pictures from our very busy, but very fun Easter weekend:

Alia and I colored Easter eggs one afternoon this week while Max was napping. It was our special big kid project and she loved it!

The finished product...

Easter art project ... We painted egg cartons and turned them into flowers

Max painted a beard on his face .... unfortunately, I washed it off before this picture was taken.

My beautiful big girl on Easter morning. She loved her Easter dress!

Babysitter Breanna painted Alia's fingers and toes the night before.
She was very excited about the sparkles!

Two cutest kids EVER!

A very rare photo of me and both kids and we are all looking at the camera with our eyes open!

The Easter Bunny brought bubbles, sidewalk chalk and nice weather! After church, we found all of our eggs and baskets and then changed into play clothes and went outside for a while.

Papaw and Mimi were in town for the weekend. This was the best we could do for a group shot. Alia was apparently not in the mood to smile.

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