Thursday, July 10, 2008

Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch "Crater"

View of the park from Delicate

Delicate Arch

On our last day in Moab I hiked up to Delicate Arch solo since Kim was a bit tired and according to our Fodor's guide this was a "difficult" hike. The hike was actually pretty easy. When I started there were some clouds in the sky and it was sprinkling, but as you can see from the photos, it was clear and gorgeous at the top. The first photo is looking back on the rock formation across from Delicate Arch which looked looked like a huge crater. The second picture is looking back on Arches Park, and the last one is self explanatory. Delicate Arch is the signature site in Arches Park (it's on the Utah license plate) and it's amazing. A couple notes on my photography. First, I've changed the settings on our camera about 1,000 times trying to that perfect "Ansel Adams" some point I'll realize that the "auto"setting works the best. Second, either the camera adds 15 pounds or I need to shed some weight - holy man boobs (which may be caused by an odd symbiotic thing with my pregnant wife).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jason and Kim --

So fun to see your pictures from sabbatical. We're jealous (although we just got back from our 2wk vacation and we're pretty relaxed too).

Jason, your side commentary is hilarious! Keep it up!

Happy trails! Brian and Renee