Saturday, July 5, 2008

Salt Lake City

What you see here is the Mormon equivalent of the Vatican. The Mormon temple in the distance was started in 1853 and completed in 1893. This picture does not do it justice... it's a pretty amazing sight. Kim and I toured this area yesterday - "temple square". The grounds are beautiful and contain a lot more than just the temple - a school, some smaller places of worship, a library, some museums, the Mormon headquarters, etc. It was interesting, but Kim and I were on guard the entire time as the place is teeming with missionaries. Actually, they were very friendly - what else do you expect from Mormons - and we did not get "solicited" once. One note - it is literally hotter than hell in Salt Lake City right now. It's been 100+ degrees the past couple days. I don't know how the missionaries do it since they are all covered pretty much head to toe in heavy clothing.


D.FRESH said...
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D.FRESH said...

100 degrees! Don't let that bun in the oven get thirsty!

D.FRESH said...

No luck on the web cam in Utah--- let's shoot for Vegas!

D.FRESH said...

We are very happy you guys are safe out there! Keep the three of you safe!!! Kick the tires now and then. BTW- it's 106 degrees in Vegas today--- yea baby!